Passions, Interests & Hobbies
What would you like to study?

Passions, Interests & Hobbies

Is there a subject that you’re hungry to learn more about or a hobby that you’ve always dreamed of developing? If so, be sure to follow your passion with a course at Hopwood Hall College and University Centre!

Our pathways aren’t just about springboarding you into a career. Instead, they’re about sparking your interest and allowing you to take those first steps into a field that both inspires and motivates you.

The decision is yours, so when choosing your course you should be sure to think about what you’re good at, what drives you and what you enjoy in life!

If you’re unsure, have a look at the wide range of categories below. These will take you to the routes that most align with what you’re interested in. We’re confident you’ll be able to find a course that’s perfect for you!

Explore your interests, passions and hobbies...
Middleton Campus
Rochdale Road, Middleton
Manchester, M24 6XH
0161 643 7560
Rochdale Campus
St. Mary’s Gate
Rochdale, OL12 6RY
01706 345 346